Phone: (914) 443-8706 | Email:

Current Rates

Our rates are for the entire trip charge - not per angler.

Hudson River

6 Hour trips are $800.00 Sailing daily (5.30 am) & (3:00 pm)

8 Hours trips are $1,000.00 Sailing daily (6:00 am)

Special Departure times can be arranged to fit your needs.

A deposit of $100.00 must be received to secure your reservation. 60 days cancellation notice is required for a refund.

Long Island Sound

4 Hour trips are $650.00 Sailing daily (5:30 am) & (1:00 pm)

6 Hour trips are $975.00 Sailing daily (5:30 am) & (1:00 pm)

8 Hour trips are $1,200.00 Sailing daily (6:00 am)

Special departure times can be arranged to fit your needs.

A deposit of $100.00 must be received to secure your reservation. 60 days cancellation notice is required for a refund.

Lake Ontario

6 Hour trips are $800.00 - Sailing daily (6:00 am)

8 Hour trips are $1,000.00 - Sailing daily (6:00 am)

Departure times can be arranged to fit your needs.

A deposit of $100.00 must be received to secure your reservation. 60 days cancellation notice is required for a refund.


Are you ready for your chance of a Lifetime?